Right Table Saw Blade Direction | How To Change Table Saw Blade?

Table saws are a necessary tool in every woodworker’s workshop.

No woodworking task can be executed with utmost accuracy and efficiency without a good table saw equipped with a sharp blade.

However, this tool can prove to be very dangerous and may result in serious injuries if not used carefully.

One of the first and foremost steps in using your table saw efficiently is understanding the direction of your table saw blade.

As mentioned above, table saws are equipped with very sharp blades having pointed, razor-like teeth.

These blades create a circular motion by turning in an anti-clockwise direction while cutting deep into sheets of wood.

The direction is extremely important for your safety and most table saws blades even have an arrow pointing in the direction the blades should be turning to eliminate any sort of confusion and reduce the risk of injuries.


Which Direction Should Table Saw Teeth Point Towards?

An important question that one must know the answer to before using a table saw is which direction should the sharp teeth of the blade be pointing in?

Table saw blades are of different kinds and come with different teeth configurations.

Some teeth are suitable for crosscuts while some are suitable for rip cuts.

However, no matter the teeth configuration, you must ensure at the time of setting up that the table saw blades are turning in an anti-clockwise or an upwards direction such that the teeth are facing in the direction the blade is spinning.

Moreover, some table saw blades such as the abrasive blades, are toothless and instead are covered with materials like fiber.

In such scenarios, the teeth of the blade should be pointed backward.

The same is the case with metal cutting blades as they also do not have teeth and make use of a unique feature known as the expansion slots.


How Should My Table Saw Blade Spin?

As mentioned above, different blades are designed to cut through various materials for different purposes.

However, the one common feature among these blades is that they must all spin in an anti-clockwise direction, with the tips of the blade turning towards you while cutting deep into the wooden sheets.

The correct direction is of paramount importance to avoid any unfortunate mishaps.

Therefore, you must be very careful with the blade for your own safety.

If you are a novice worker, remember to follow the arrow marked on the blade in the correct direction.

Furthermore, the teeth should be straight and facing upward.

Operating your table saw in this way allows you to work more comfortably, pushing the wooden sheets forward as the blade cuts into them.

This also enables you to work with greater precision and accuracy.

The blade spinning in an upward direction bites down onto the wood more firmly, further decreasing the risks of accidents.

The correct direction of the blade is not only crucial for your safety and the good performance of the table saw but also for the environment.

The upward or anti-clockwise direction minimizes the dust and wood particles flying in the air, ensuring that your working space is kept neat and clean.


How to Stop Your Table Saw Blade from Spinning in the Wrong Direction?

As we have discussed above, you can face serious danger if your table saw blade is spinning in the wrong direction, especially if you are a beginner with very limited experience in operating a table saw.

Usually, movement in the opposite direction occurs due to electrical faults.

Therefore, if you experience such a scenario, you should immediately stop working and follow the following steps to fix the problem:


1. Turn off your table saw

The first and foremost step is to cut off the power supply of the table saw and turn it off.

Once you are sure that the table saw is disconnected from the power supply, check if the blade was installed correctly.

For this purpose, look for the arrows on the blade to confirm the correct direction of the blade.

Moreover, use these arrows as a helping guide to properly set up the blade.


2. Connect it Back to the Power Supply

Once you have installed the blade back into the table saw, look for a table fan.

Connect the fan to the same power supply, the table saw was connected in.

If the fan moves in its usual clockwise direction, connect the table saw back to the power supply.

However, if the table fan is spinning in the wrong direction, look for another socket as this means the problem lies with the power source.


3. Try a Different Socket

The last step is to try a different socket. First, plug in the table fan and once again observe its movement.

Only connect the table saw back if the fan is moving in the correct direction.

If it is not, contact your electrician and get your sockets and wiring systems checked.

However, if the fan is moving in the right direction but the blades are not, change your blades.

Another cause could be faulty internal components of your table saw.

Hence, also get your table saw checked.


Can Table Saws Blades Be Changed?

Another question that arises in the minds of many novice woodworkers is that can table saw blades be changed?

A Table saw is a very flexible piece of tool which allows users to change the blades depending on the kind of material they want to cut.

As we discussed earlier, different materials require different types of blades with different teeth configurations.

Materials that are denser require blades with more sharp teeth compared to materials that are less dense and easy to cut through.

However, one must be very careful when changing the blades and must follow the procedure.


1. Choose the Right Blade

The first step is to choose an appropriate blade to swap with.

This depends on the type of projects you will be working on.

If you want to cut through very dense hardwood and plywood, choose a 10-inch blade.

On the other hand, if you wish to make efficient cross-cuts choose a blade with 60 teeth and for veneered plywood go with a very sharp 90-tooth saw blade.

Moreover, black blades are ideal if you are using a hybrid table saw.


2. Removing the Old Bade

Once you have chosen a suitable blade to swap with, you need to remove the old blade.

For this, first, disconnect the table saw to prevent electrocution.

After you have cut off the power supply, remove the blade guard to reach the blade.

Raise the blade to its highest point after accessing the arbor nuts and shaft holding the blade.

Use a blade lock to hold the blade in place while you loosen the nuts.

Once the nuts are loosened and the bolts are removed, carefully remove the blade.


3. Install New Blade

The last step is installing the new blade.

Ensure that the blade is placed in the correct direction with its teeth pointing downwards and towards you.

After that tighten the arbor nuts again and repeat the steps mentioned above in opposite direction to ensure that the blade is fixed into the table saw correctly.

Hence, following this procedure, you can easily interchange the blades depending on what craft you are working on.

This will enable you to work much more efficiently.

However, remember to ensure that the blades are placed in the correct direction.



A Table saw can prove to be a highly dangerous tool if not used with caution.

The direction of its blade is a very sensitive matter as an incorrect movement of the blade not only reduces the quality of the cuts performed but can also result in serious accidents.

Thus, it is important that you carefully read the instructions before installing the blade and follow the arrows drawn onto the blade for a clearer understanding.

As for the direction, always make sure that the blade spins in an anti-clockwise direction with its teeth pointing towards you as they cut downwards into the materials.

This direction not only reduces the risk of injury but also helps in maintaining a clean working environment.

Lastly, remember to immediately stop the operation of your table saw if you notice the blade moving in an unusual direction. This can prove to be very harmful.

Always be careful with the blade and always keep the safety precautions we have discussed in this article in your mind.